[Vocabulary] The Girl Before (4)

1. joist (n.) 欄柵
2. piggyback (v.) 將東西扛在肩上
3. duodenal atresia 十二指腸閉鎖

4. screw around 遊手好閒
5. wet (a.) 愛哭的
6. locum (n.) 部位
7. auscultation (n.) 聽診
8. partogram (n.) 產程圖
9. pick holes 吹毛求疵
10. fudge (v.) 捏造、胡說
11. nosey = nosy (a.) 好管閒事的、有味道的
12. go out on the pull = trying to find someone to have sex
13. make a big thing of... 對...小題大作
14. get one's head around = be able to understand someone (negative)
15. muscle (v.) 用強迫的手段獲得
16. a hit-and-run driver 肇事逃逸的駕駛

